List of interactive figures and tables from the paper: An 18S V4 rDNA metabarcoding dataset of protist diversity in the Atlantic inflow to the Arctic Ocean, through the year and down to 1000 m depth.

Figure 2: Profiles of environmental parameters.
Figure 3: Rarefaction curves.
Figure 4: Barplot of proportional read abundance in each group of a chosen taxonomic level (default division) in each size-fractionated sample.
Figure A1: Barplot of number of Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) in each group of a chosen taxonomic level (default division) in each size-fractionated sample.

Table A1: Number of ASVs assigned to each clade of a chosen taxonomic level (default division), within each size fraction, and in total. Note that an ASV may occur in multiple size fractions.
Table A2: Maximum and minimum read percentage of each clade of a chosen taxonomic level (default division), within each size fraction.

Profiles of physical and chemical parameters

Rarefaction curves


Barplot, taxonomic distribution of ASV richness

Table A1 - Number of ASVs assigned to each taxonomic group, distributed by size fraction.

Table A2 - Min. and max. percentage of reads assigned to each taxonomic group, distributed by size fraction. The entries have the format 'min., max.'